Tuesday, June 24, 2008

the little bug......

Spent some time playing with Ry and Lacey last night at April's...we played the drawing game where each of us took turns drawing/adding on a small part....they are so funny. I wish I would have taken one of the drawings home. Here's a pic of the little bug.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Something is wrong with this picture.....

This is what Grant and I saw while walking our dinner off last night......I couldn't resist taking a picture of it.
We had a great weekend. Busy as usual, but great. I made the flourless chocolate cake recipe from Trish today. It probably could have baked a few minutes longer, but I have a fear of burning things. When I tried to pry it loose from the round pake pan, I obviously didn't reach the center, because what came out was a giant chocolate donut. Tasted yummy though!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Folding Fabric

I have already established that I am not the best blogger. It seems (as I read other blogs) that my life is just too boring. Does anyone want to know that the highlight of my yesterday was folding fabric pieces after washing and drying them? I love to fold. I love matching up corners. Most of all, I love the way a clean stack of multicolored fabrics look. I would take it apart and wrinkle them all up, just to fold them again. Miranda, this picture is for you.

We spend Father's Day Sunday with Grant's family (minus Robyn and the kids, who were visiting Robyn's parents for the week). Grant and his two Sibs went to see an "Ondo sibling" movie. You know, the ones that I wouldnt be caught in the theatre watching. Last one I went to I fell asleep. I don't even remember the title!!!

This weekend I am working and then we are celebrating Father's Day with my family in Downers. Holly and Dan got the apartment they wanted in downtown Downers Grove!!! We are very happy that they will be moving back from Madison in a few weeks. Dan started his job in Chicago on June 9th, while Holly is packing up their stuff and making moving arrangements in WI. She has had one of our siblings up there every week so she doesnt have to be alone. Thank goodness for summer break! G and I will go up there in a few weeks to help them load the truck to make their treck back to the land of safe drivers.

A few weekends ago, we had our girls weekend (day) down in Bloomington. We got up at the crack of raining dawn to watch Leann in the TriShark Triathalon. My first triathalon watching experience was spent trudging through goopy mud. Trish got the worst of it though.....

Leann did great. I thought watching might encourage me to work out more often. What it did do is justify why I dont ride a bike (many bikers got road rash as they literally skidded into the transition point).

We had a great lunch with the girls and Chad. Got to meet Logan, Angie's first little one. Everyone say it with me.....Awwwwww.Also, Meghan and Rob were married June 14th in Geneva. Sister Emily graduated High School and Sister Anna graduated Junior High. Congratulations!

I had my first endoscopy last week.....results were okay, some inflamation in parts of my stomach, but nothing critical. I will continue to take a medication that reduced the acid in my stomach. I was loopy for a few hours afterward, obsessed with the yogurt (that I dont remember eating....), asked about my medication three times and dont remember getting dressed or leaving the hospital in a wheelchair.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Long time, no blog

A month and a half wrap up.....here we go....

Got sick on my birthday to start March. Literally in bed for a few days...developed a sinus infection (what's being sick without a sinus infection??)....went on an antibiotic...and a month and a half later, I am finally getting most of the gunk out.

During the sicky phase, I got to celebrate my birthday a few times; the first with the rest of the March Marek birthdays, next with the Ondo's, then with Michelle and a few weeks later with Miranda!

Miranda and Holly came up to scrapbook for a day, which was fun and productive. I love to get friends together!! Miranda was up for that whole weekend and we got to spend time shopping, talking and sharing things that don't always come up over the phone.

What else? Grant and I got together with Holly and Dan, Eric and Diana, Meg and Rob.... I went to traffic school (got a ticket a few blocks from our house), and going through a slight modification in my job description.

Missed a trip out to see grandparents in California, but I will be out there soon, I promise! I love how they call to brag about the 83 degree weather when they KNOW it's 30 here!!
I did another mural....I have always wanted to do a beach!

That's all for now. Looking forward to the April birthday party~

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I got inspired and took a picture of the kitchen this morning. We are on the hunt for plate covers for the outlets. Nothing seems to be working against the glass tiled backspash. Any suggestions? we are waiting on a few minor things before it is complete....but its shaping up!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Recent Paintings

I have decided to post some of my paintings after receiving
requests to see them.

Here are some recent paintings of fences .....

And some more of animals....

And some writing....

And more....

If you have questions about any of them, please email me at grantandjulie@hotmail.com. To view larger go to my project page www.alwaysaworkinprogress.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

a new start...

...to the world of blogging. Sounds like a funny noise someone makes when they are stepping through mud, right? Say it out loud. Honestly thought I would never be into this, but it is getting harder to find "the space between" time to catch up with all of those I wish I did, and keep everyone in touch with what is going on in our lives. It is my goal to keep with it and update with news, pictures, complaints, projects and such. To blogging!

photography by Miranda Kemp